Murky role of MI5 and MI6 in relation to Islamists: Manchester connection of Lee Rigby and al-Liby

Murky role of MI5 and MI6 in relation to Islamists: Manchester connection of Lee Rigby and…

Gulf and NATO nations are concerned for 20,000 Sunni Islamist terrorists in Eastern Ghouta in Syria

Gulf and NATO nations are concerned for 20,000 Sunni Islamist terrorists in Eastern Ghouta in Syria…

Japan to increase investments in Myanmar and boost trade: JCCM and UMFCCI agreement

Japan to increase investments in Myanmar and boost trade: JCCM and UMFCCI agreement Sawako Utsumi and…

President Xi Jinping of China is threatening the legacy of Deng Xiaoping: Power Concentration

President Xi Jinping of China is threatening the legacy of Deng Xiaoping: Power Concentration Kanako Itamae…

Russophobia in America is containing Trump: Democrats, Republicans, and the Media

Russophobia in America is containing Trump: Democrats, Republicans, and the Media Chika Mori and Lee Jay…

Protecting Afghan Women Is A National Security Issue

Protecting Afghan Women Is A National Security Issue by Abigail R. Esman Special to IPT News…

Russia is telling nations to rein in terrorist groups in Syria: Afrin and Eastern Ghouta

Russia is telling nations to rein in terrorist groups in Syria: Afrin and Eastern Ghouta Murad…

China, Israel, and non-interference: Heavy investments and high technology

China, Israel, and non-interference: Heavy investments and high technology Boutros Hussein and Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Myanmar, the Russian Federation, and counter insurgency: Sukhoi-30 and Yak-130

Myanmar, the Russian Federation, and counter-insurgency: Sukhoi-30 and Yak-130 Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Suspected Islamist terrorist attack in Dagestan in Russia: 5 Christian women killed in church attack

Suspected Islamist terrorist attack in Dagestan in Russia: 5 Christian women killed in church attack Murad…

Mexico is the most dangerous place to be a Catholic Priest: Lawlessness and drug cartels

Mexico is the most dangerous place to be a Catholic Priest: Lawlessness and drug cartels Noriko…

Japan wants India to assist Myanmar to a higher degree: Confused by Trump administration

Japan wants India to assist Myanmar to a higher degree: Confused by Trump administration Sawako Utsumi…

President Zuma steps down to immediate effect in South Africa: Will ANC corruption end?

President Zuma steps down to immediate effect in South Africa: Will ANC corruption end? Chika Mori…

Christians face the Islamist sword in Nigeria: Boko Haram, the Fulani, and state indifference

Christians face the Islamist sword in Nigeria: Boko Haram, the Fulani, and state indifference Sawako Uchida…

Islamists Endorse Deadly Turkish Assault on Kurds

Islamists Endorse Deadly Turkish Assault on Kurds by Hany Ghoraba Special to IPT News Investigative Project…

Japan strongly reaffirms important geopolitical and defense cooperation with Myanmar

Japan strongly reaffirms important geopolitical and defense cooperation with Myanmar Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker…

Christian martyr in Germany: Afghan Muslim sentenced for the brutal murder of a female apostate

Christian martyr in Germany: Afghan Muslim sentenced for the brutal murder of a female apostate  Boutros…

NATO Turkey is allegedly recruiting ISIS members to kill Kurds in Syria: Afrin crisis

NATO Turkey is allegedly recruiting ISIS members to kill Kurds in Syria: Afrin crisis Murad Makhmudov…

Japan and Brexit negotiations of the UK: Japanese business representative to meet PM May

Japan and Brexit negotiations of the UK: Japanese business representative to meet PM May Chika Mori…

Korean Peninsula: Understanding between America, China, and Russia is needed

Korean Peninsula: Understanding between America, China, and Russia is needed Kanako Itamae and Lee Jay Walker…

Zen Buddhist priest Mokuan Reien and Japanese Art: Fourteenth century China

Zen Buddhist priest Mokuan Reien and Japanese Art: Fourteenth century China  Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

Do Buddhists and Tribal Groups in Rakhine count in Myanmar? Western and Islamic media circus

Do Buddhists and Tribal Groups in Rakhine count in Myanmar? Western and Islamic media circus Sawako…

Germany and demonstrations in favor of preserving German culture in Cottbus: Far Right or just Germans?

Germany and demonstrations in favor of preserving German culture in Cottbus: Far Right or just Germans? …

Vice President Pence of America to visit Japan: Korean Peninsula and same hymn sheet

Vice President Pence of America to visit Japan: Korean Peninsula and same hymn sheet Noriko Watanabe…

Iran and the dress code of women: Liberty, the shadow of Saudi Arabia, and Islamic Sharia law

Iran and the dress code of women: Liberty, the shadow of Saudi Arabia, and Islamic Sharia…

France to support Tunisia in order to help the democratic transition: North Africa and Macron

France to support Tunisia in order to help the democratic transition: North Africa and Macron Salma…

Yemen is fracturing: Southern Transnational Council in Aden push

Yemen is fracturing: Southern Transnational Council in Aden push Chika Mori and Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Sunni Islamists kill at least 95 in Afghanistan: Year Islamist Zero and endless terrorism

Sunni Islamists kill at least 95 in Afghanistan: Year Islamist Zero and endless terrorism Murad Makhmudov…

Russian Federation rebukes America over Sukhoi-30 jets to Myanmar: Territorial Integrity

Russian Federation rebukes America over Sukhoi-30 jets to Myanmar: Territorial Integrity Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay…

President Erdogan of Turkey and the passive nature of NATO towards endless arrests

President Erdogan of Turkey and the passive nature of NATO towards endless arrests Nuray Lydia Oglu…

America and Russia need to warn Turkey to stop its ambition against the Kurds in Syria

America and Russia need to warn Turkey to stop its ambition against the Kurds in Syria…

Myanmar and the Russian Federation to develop military cooperation: Rakhine understanding

Myanmar and the Russian Federation to develop military cooperation: Rakhine understanding Chika Mori and Lee Jay…

Turkey launches airstrikes against the Kurds: friend and foe are bleeding Syria

Turkey launches airstrikes against the Kurds: friend and foe are bleeding Syria Murad Makhmudov and Lee…

Myanmar asks Bangladesh to extradite 1,300 suspected ARSA Islamist terrorists: Evil tripartite

Myanmar asks Bangladesh to extradite 1,300 suspected ARSA Islamist terrorists: Evil tripartite Sawako Utsumi and Lee…

President Vucic of Serbia says the murder of a Serbian politician in Kosovo was an act of terrorism

President Vucic of Serbia says the murder of a Serbian politician in Kosovo was an act…

Christian Armenia recognizes the Yazidi Genocide of 2014 at the hands of Sunni Islamists

Christian Armenia recognizes the Yazidi Genocide of 2014 at the hands of Sunni Islamists Noriko Watanabe…