Russia and North Korea to Strengthen Ties: Japan and South Korea (Blowback and Biden)
Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker
Modern Tokyo Times

Japan and South Korea face blowback in Northeast Asia after adopting an anti-Russian Federation approach on behalf of America. This concerns the support they provide to Ukraine.
Accordingly, before President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation visited Vietnam, he boosted ties with North Korea to a new level. Hence, North Korea will get a boost economically, militarily, and geopolitically with the strengthened ties announced between both nations.
Ukraine geopolitically means little to Japan and South Korea. Yet, both nations blindly followed the policies of America – and other NATO powers – against the Russian Federation without considering the consequences. Therefore, with Japan also taking an increasingly negative stance against China under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida concerning Taiwan, his administration is enabling dangerous vacuums and the growing rift in Northeast Asia to a new level unseen for several decades.
Putin – before visiting Vietnam – said, “We see Vietnam as a like-minded partner in shaping a new architecture of equal and indivisible Eurasian security on an inclusive and non-discriminatory basis.”
In Asia, the Russian Federation is strengthening ties with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in West Asia. Naturally, ties with Central Asian nations remain important. This is based on the legacy of the Soviet Union.
Cordial relations with China, India, Iran, Vietnam, and others in Asia continue to flourish throughout this vast continent. Hence, the strengthening of economic, geopolitical, military, and political ties between the Russian Federation and North Korea should be seen in the context of the wider reality.
The questions for Japan and South Korea are (1) do both nations feel better protected by involving themselves in Ukraine concerning pro-America objectives and adopting anti-Russian Federation policies? – (2) Do Japan and South Korea feel more secure with China, North Korea, and the Russian Federation enhancing certain angles to their military capabilities because of the fear of America – for example, nuclear weapons and hypersonic weapons? – (3) Do the people of Japan feel more secure given Kishida’s anti-China approach concerning Taiwan? – (4) Or would Japan and South Korea feel more secure if both nations remained close to America while adopting policies to reach out to China, North Korea, and the Russian Federation?

The Guardian reports, “The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, have signed a pact that includes a clause requiring the countries to come to each other’s aid if either is attacked, a move that has raised western concerns about potential Russian aid for Pyongyang’s missile or nuclear programmes.”
This Western media outlet is looking in the wrong direction. It concerns Japan and South Korea much more – and signals the failure of both nations under their respective leaders.
Jens Stoltenberg – the Secretary General of NATO – said, “We are of course also concerned about the potential support that Russia provides to North Korea when it comes to supporting their missile and nuclear programmes.”
The leader of North Korea said it took the relationship between North Korea and the Russian Federation to “a new, high level of alliance.”
The BBC says, “Any kind of mutual defence treaty could possibly see Moscow assisting Pyongyang in a future conflict on the Korean peninsula, while North Korea could openly help Russia in its war on Ukraine.”
TASS News reports, “The treaty will take interaction between the two countries “to a new level” rather than resting on laurels that already exist. The document “sets large-scale tasks and benchmarks for the long-term deepening of Russian-Korean relations.” This includes the political, trade and investment, cultural, humanitarian and security spheres.”
Deutsche Welle reported in 2023, “The United States currently spends more on defense than twice as much as the other 29 members of the NATO military alliance combined. Germany passed a defense budget of €50.4 billion as well as a €100 billion special fund to modernize its military.”
President Joe Biden of America and the leader of South Korea (2023) celebrated the “nuclear and military angle of their meeting,” with the leader of South Korea singing America Pie in front of Biden and others.
The BBC reports, “Under the deal, the US will make its defense commitments more visible by sending a nuclear-armed submarine to South Korea for the first time in 40 years, along with other assets, including nuclear-capable bombers.”
President Yoon Suk-yeol of South Korea and the leader of America agreed to the Washington Declaration. Accordingly, America promises to use nuclear weapons against North Korea if war breaks out and North Korea threatens the sovereignty of South Korea.
Yoon said, “Our two countries have agreed to immediate bilateral presidential consultations in the event of North Korea’s nuclear attack and promised to respond swiftly, overwhelmingly and decisively using the full force of the alliance, including the United States’ nuclear weapons.”
Kishida – who claims to be anti-nuclear – naturally remained silent because America “says” and Japan “jumps” under his leadership. In reality, America utilizes Okinawa (Ryukyu) and the waters of Japan to kill Asians when “the geopolitical time permits.”
In history, Okinawa was used to kill Koreans in the Korean War. This was followed by America utilizing Okinawa to kill the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. Accordingly, if a clash emerged between China and America over Taiwan – this part of Japan would be utilized by America.
The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) reports that America spent $51.5 billion on its nuclear angle last year. ICAN says this is “more than all the other nuclear-armed countries put together.”
Nations and individuals outside of America can rightly or wrongly despise North Korea and the Russian Federation. Yet, taking the American angle out of the equation under the Biden administration is ignorant.
The former leader of America (Donald Trump) sought peace with North Korea. Fast forward to the Biden administration, and the nuclear angle once more was sent to the Korean Peninsula – to the endless support of Ukraine to the tune of hundreds of billions against the Russian Federation.
Biden also said he would defend Taiwan. The Guardian reports, “Asked in a CBS 60 Minutes interview broadcast on Sunday whether US forces would defend the self-ruled island claimed by China, he replied: “Yes, if in fact there was an unprecedented attack.”
Northeast Asian nations need to build trust instead of the “divisionist dream” of America. Even the late Shinzo Abe (former leader of Japan) sought cordial relations with the Russian Federation. However, Kishida is joining the military arms race in Northeast Asia (despite the dire economic condition of Japan) concerning the containment policies of America aimed at China and the Russian Federation.
The strengthened ties between the Russian Federation and North Korea aren’t an isolated reality. Japan and South Korea have generated self-induced blowback by supporting America over distant Ukraine. This folly was predictable – given the military nature of the Biden administration.
Japan and South Korea need leaders who put their national interests first – and not the deeds of America under the ruling Democratic Party.
A reset is needed in Northeast Asia where the “divisionist dream” of America under the current Biden administration is curtailed. However, the omens look negative under the current leaders of America, Japan, and South Korea.

Modern Tokyo News is part of the Modern Tokyo Times group Modern Tokyo Times – International News and Japan News – Sawako Utsumi’s website and Modern Tokyo Times artist Modern Tokyo News – Tokyo News and International News