Trump thinking of assisting al-Qaeda Linked Areas in Syria: Pity the Christians

Trump thinking of assisting al-Qaeda Linked Areas in Syria: Pity the Christians Murad Makhmudov, Kanako Itamae,…

Syria Denies the Gulf and Western Version of Khan Sheikhoun: Only Enemies of Syria gain

Syria Denies the Gulf and Western Version of Khan Sheikhoun: Only Enemies of Syria gain Ramazan…

America and Egypt to jointly erase the Appeasement of Obama towards the Muslim Brotherhood

America and Egypt to jointly erase the Appeasement of Obama towards the Muslim Brotherhood Boutros Hussein,…

Syrian Government Remains Steadfast against Sectarianism and Terrorism: Christian Survival

Syrian Government Remains Steadfast against Sectarianism and Terrorism: Christian Survival Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker…

PM Abe of Japan Grovels to the anti-Human Rights nation of Saudi Arabia

PM Abe of Japan Grovels to the anti-Human Rights nation of Saudi Arabia Noriko Watanabe and…

China and Saudi Arabia Solidify Strategic Partnership Amid Looming Risks

China and Saudi Arabia Solidify Strategic Partnership Amid Looming Risks Publication: China Brief Volume: 17 Issue:…

Transgender Nationals from Pakistan Killed by Police in Saudi Arabia: Why No Pariah Status?

Transgender Nationals from Pakistan Killed by Police in Saudi Arabia: Why No Pariah Status? Noriko Watanabe…

Defense Minister Shoigu Promotes Russian Cyber Warfare Troops and Declares Victory in Syria

Defense Minister Shoigu Promotes Russian Cyber Warfare Troops and Declares Victory in Syria Publication: Eurasia Daily…

Coptic Christians Flee Sunni Islamists in North Sinai in Egypt

Coptic Christians Flee Sunni Islamists in North Sinai in Egypt Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker…

Sunni Islamists Slaughter many in Iraq and Pakistan: Shia and Sufi Targeted

Sunni Islamists Slaughter many in Iraq and Pakistan: Shia and Sufi Targeted Murad Makhmudov and Lee…

Sunni Terrorism is Killing Internationally but America Blames Iran: Christians and Hezbollah

Sunni Terrorism is Killing Internationally but America Blames Iran: Christians and Hezbollah Boutros Hussein, Chika Mori,…

Dubai Security Chief Backs Trump Immigration Order

Dubai Security Chief Backs Trump Immigration Order by John Rossomando Investigative Project on Terrorism A prominent…

Shia Muslims bare the brunt of Sunni Terrorism so why is Iran on America’s Immigration Hit List?

Shia Muslims bare the brunt of Sunni Terrorism so why is Iran on America’s Immigration Hit…

Serbia warns Albanians of re-entering Kosovo: Intrigues of Obama against Russia

Serbia warns Albanians of re-entering Kosovo: Intrigues of Obama against Russia Ramazan Khalidov and Lee Jay…

Beyond ISIS: Europe’s Salafists Nurturing Jihad (Saudi Arabia and Gulf Petrodollars)

Beyond ISIS: Europe’s Salafists Nurturing Jihad by Abigail R. Esman Special to IPT News Investigative Project…

Bahrain and Anti Shia Persecution: Regional Intrigues and Western Powers

Bahrain and Anti Shia Persecution: Regional Intrigues and Western Powers Jibril Khoury, Kanako Itamae, and Lee…

Saudi Arabia is the epicenter of Harakah al-Yaqin: Gulf Petrodollars Assisting Jihadists in Myanmar

Saudi Arabia is the epicenter of Harakah al-Yaqin: Gulf Petrodollars Assisting Jihadists in Myanmar Noriko Watanabe…

Germany and Sunni Islamization: Gulf Salafism Points to a “State within a State”

Germany and Sunni Islamization: Gulf Salafism Points to  a “State within a State” Murad Makhmudov and…

Coptic Christians Killed in Egypt: Islamists Slaughter inside a Christian Holy Place

Coptic Christians Killed in Egypt: Islamists Slaughter inside a Christian Holy Place Boutros Hussein, Noriko Watanabe,…

Women Form A Growing Threat To West In New ISIS Strategy

Women Form A Growing Threat To West In New ISIS Strategy by Abigail R. Esman Special…

Chancellor Merkel in Another Low: Bundeswehr to Train Officers from Saudi Arabia

Chancellor Merkel in Another Low: Bundeswehr to Train Officers from Saudi Arabia Helmet Joachim Schmidt, Ramazan…

President-elect Trump plugs Non-Interventionist Policy outside tackling Terrorism: Russia and Syria

President-elect Trump plugs Non-Interventionist Policy outside tackling Terrorism: Russia and Syria Murad Makhumdov, Sawako Uchida, and…

Russia and Iran should demand Turkey to leave Syria: Erdogan the Megalomaniac

Russia and Iran should demand Turkey to leave Syria: Erdogan the Megalomaniac Nuray Lydia Oglu, Michiyo…

Turkey Seeks to Sanction the Rape of Children based on Marriage: AKP and Sunni Islamization

Turkey Seeks to Sanction the Rape of Children based on Marriage: AKP and Sunni Islamization Nuray…

America and the Russian Federation seek to Reset Positive Relations under Donald Trump

America and the Russian Federation seek to Reset Positive Relations under Donald Trump Galina Zobova, Chika…

An Unwinnable War: The Houthis, Saudi Arabia and the Future of Yemen

An Unwinnable War: The Houthis, Saudi Arabia and the Future of Yemen Publication: Terrorism Monitor By:…

Egypt to get Approved $12 Billion Dollar Loan from IMF: America and Russia should Shore Up

Egypt to get Approved $12 Billion Dollar Loan from IMF: America and Russia should Shore Up…

Japanese Journalist Kosuke Tsuneoka, Suspected of Assisting ISIS, needs to be Charged in Iraq

Japanese Journalist Kosuke Tsuneoka, Suspected of Assisting ISIS, needs to be Charged in Iraq Noriko Watanabe,…

Turkey Mocks Iraq and Sends Troops to the Border: Weakness of NATO and Obama

Turkey Mocks Iraq and Sends Troops to the Border: Weakness of NATO and Obama Nuray Lydia…

Shia Forces in Iraq to Prevent any Gulf, US, and Turkey Intrigues in Mosul

Shia Forces in Iraq to Prevent any Gulf, US, and Turkey Intrigues in Mosul Murad Makhmudov,…

Turkey Kills Kurds in Syria, while Kurds Attack ISIS in Iraq: Ineptitude of Obama and NATO

Turkey Kills Kurds in Syria, while Kurds Attack ISIS in Iraq: Ineptitude of Obama and NATO…

Europe’s Terror Challenges: The Returnee Threat

Europe’s Terror Challenges: The Returnee Threat by Abigail R. Esman Special to IPT News Investigative Project…

Turkey, Terrorism, and NATO Graveyard in Syria: US Lost in Confusion

Turkey, Terrorism, and NATO Graveyard in Syria: US Lost in Confusion Nuray Lydia Oglu, Hiroshi Saito,…

Russia Deepens Middle East Military Footprint With Joint Exercises in Egypt

Russia Deepens Middle East Military Footprint With Joint Exercises in Egypt Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor By:…

Christian Survival in Syria Relies on President Assad: Ghosts of Cyprus, Kosovo, and Iraq

Christian Survival in Syria Relies on President Assad: Ghosts of Cyprus, Kosovo, and Iraq Murad Makhmudov,…

Afghanistan to Christians: Hezbollah leader Nasrallah rebukes Takfiri Jihadists

Afghanistan to Christians: Hezbollah leader Nasrallah rebukes Takfiri Jihadists Murad Makhmudov, Sawako Uchida, and Lee Jay…