Wiretaps Show Turkish Intel Supported ISIS

Report: Wiretaps Show Turkish Intel Supported ISIS by John Rossomando Investigative Project on Terrorism Turkish prosecution…

The resignation of Mattis is a big blow for President Trump: Lack of cohesion in America

The resignation of Mattis is a big blow for President Trump: Lack of cohesion in America…

Syria and the Uighur Takfiri group that set up a Palestinian sub-unit: China is concerned

Syria and the Uighur Takfiri group that set up a Palestinian sub-unit: China is concerned Ramazan…

The Mass Media and the reciprocal Al-Qaeda: Afghanistan, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, and now Myanmar

The Mass Media and the reciprocal Al-Qaeda: Afghanistan, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, and now Myanmar Murad Makhmudov…

NSC Meets Lobbyist Who Backed Syrian Jihadists

NSC Meets Lobbyist Who Backed Syrian Jihadists by John Rossomando IPT News Investigative Project on Terrorism…

The UK abandons religious minorities: Sunni Islamists butcher in Syria but mainly Sunni Muslims let in

The UK abandons religious minorities: Sunni Islamists butcher in Syria but mainly Sunni Muslims let in…

Syria appeals to Western Nations to lift sanctions and help the nation to stabilize

Syria appeals to Western Nations to lift sanctions and help the nation to stabilize Boutros Hussein…

Returning Uighur Fighters and China’s National Security Dilemma

Returning Uighur Fighters and China’s National Security Dilemma Publication: China Brief By: Joseph Hope The Jamestown…

Russia Makes Further Gains in Syria After Helsinki

Russia Makes Further Gains in Syria After Helsinki Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor By: Pavel Felgenhauer The…

America, France, and the United Kingdom target Syria based on the terrorist narrative

America, France, and the United Kingdom target Syria based on the terrorist narrative Boutros Hussein and…

The U.S. is abandoning the Kurds in Afrin while seeking to defend Islamist terrorists in Eastern Ghouta

The U.S. is abandoning the Kurds in Afrin while seeking to defend Islamist terrorists in Eastern…

Gulf and NATO nations are concerned for 20,000 Sunni Islamist terrorists in Eastern Ghouta in Syria

Gulf and NATO nations are concerned for 20,000 Sunni Islamist terrorists in Eastern Ghouta in Syria…

Russia is telling nations to rein in terrorist groups in Syria: Afrin and Eastern Ghouta

Russia is telling nations to rein in terrorist groups in Syria: Afrin and Eastern Ghouta Murad…

Islamists Endorse Deadly Turkish Assault on Kurds

Islamists Endorse Deadly Turkish Assault on Kurds by Hany Ghoraba Special to IPT News Investigative Project…

NATO Turkey is allegedly recruiting ISIS members to kill Kurds in Syria: Afrin crisis

NATO Turkey is allegedly recruiting ISIS members to kill Kurds in Syria: Afrin crisis Murad Makhmudov…

America and Russia need to warn Turkey to stop its ambition against the Kurds in Syria

America and Russia need to warn Turkey to stop its ambition against the Kurds in Syria…

Turkey launches airstrikes against the Kurds: friend and foe are bleeding Syria

Turkey launches airstrikes against the Kurds: friend and foe are bleeding Syria Murad Makhmudov and Lee…

Sunni Islamists butcher and enslave minorities in Syria but the UK welcomes mainly Sunni Muslims

Sunni Islamists butcher and enslave minorities in Syria but the UK welcomes mainly Sunni Muslims Murad…

The Pope welcomes Sunni migrants while Sunni Islamists seek to cleanse Egypt, Iraq, and Syria of Christians

The Pope welcomes Sunni migrants while Sunni Islamists seek to cleanse Egypt, Iraq, and Syria of…

British Foreign Aid is helping Sunni Islamist groups that stone women to death in Syria

British Foreign Aid is helping Sunni Islamist groups that stone women to death in Syria Boutros…

UK to help ISIS on return: Reward for butchering Alawites, Christians, Yazidis, and the Shia

UK to help ISIS on return: Reward for butchering Alawites, Christians, Yazidis, and the Shia Murad…

Russian Federation accuses America of assisting ISIS movements entering Syria

Russian Federation accuses America of assisting ISIS movements entering Syria Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker…

The Russian Federation and Iran should put pressure on Turkey to leave Syria

  The Russian Federation and Iran should put pressure on Turkey to leave Syria Nuray Lydia…

Russia’s Syria Resupply Route Through the Turkish Straits: Vulnerable to Terrorist Attack?

Russia’s Syria Resupply Route Through the Turkish Straits: Vulnerable to Terrorist Attack? Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor…

EU should charge Nations and Charities for Encouraging Mass Migration: OIC, Free Ride, and Real Refugees

EU should charge Nations and Charities for Encouraging Mass Migration: OIC, Free Ride, and Real Refugees…

Carnage in Syria after an attack by Takfiris aimed at Shia Muslims: Moral Outcry by Trump?

Carnage in Syria after an attack by Takfiris aimed at Shia Muslims: Moral Outcry by Trump?…

Syria and Khan al-Assal Massacre: A forerunner to False Chemical Flag in Khan Sheikhoun against Syria

Syria and Khan al-Assal Massacre: A forerunner to False Chemical Flag in Khan Sheikhoun against Syria…

America bombs Syria in Homs: Christians Cleansed in Homs by Sunni Islamists in the past

America bombs Syria in Homs: Christians Cleansed in Homs by Sunni Islamists in the past Murad…

Trump thinking of assisting al-Qaeda Linked Areas in Syria: Pity the Christians

Trump thinking of assisting al-Qaeda Linked Areas in Syria: Pity the Christians Murad Makhmudov, Kanako Itamae,…

Syria Denies the Gulf and Western Version of Khan Sheikhoun: Only Enemies of Syria gain

Syria Denies the Gulf and Western Version of Khan Sheikhoun: Only Enemies of Syria gain Ramazan…

Syrian Government Remains Steadfast against Sectarianism and Terrorism: Christian Survival

Syrian Government Remains Steadfast against Sectarianism and Terrorism: Christian Survival Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker…

Defense Minister Shoigu Promotes Russian Cyber Warfare Troops and Declares Victory in Syria

Defense Minister Shoigu Promotes Russian Cyber Warfare Troops and Declares Victory in Syria Publication: Eurasia Daily…

Sunni Terrorism is Killing Internationally but America Blames Iran: Christians and Hezbollah

Sunni Terrorism is Killing Internationally but America Blames Iran: Christians and Hezbollah Boutros Hussein, Chika Mori,…

Terrorists Flooded Syria based on Gulf and NATO Intrigues: Destabilization via Sectarianism

Terrorists Flooded Syria based on Gulf and NATO Intrigues: Destabilization via Sectarianism Murad Makhmudov and Lee…

President-elect Trump plugs Non-Interventionist Policy outside tackling Terrorism: Russia and Syria

President-elect Trump plugs Non-Interventionist Policy outside tackling Terrorism: Russia and Syria Murad Makhumdov, Sawako Uchida, and…

Russia and Iran should demand Turkey to leave Syria: Erdogan the Megalomaniac

Russia and Iran should demand Turkey to leave Syria: Erdogan the Megalomaniac Nuray Lydia Oglu, Michiyo…