Serbia Dismayed by Croatia over EU Membership: Independence and the Russian Federation

Serbia Dismayed by Croatia over EU Membership: Independence and the Russian Federation Ramazan Khalidov, Chika Mori,…

Women Form A Growing Threat To West In New ISIS Strategy

Women Form A Growing Threat To West In New ISIS Strategy by Abigail R. Esman Special…

Chancellor Merkel in Another Low: Bundeswehr to Train Officers from Saudi Arabia

Chancellor Merkel in Another Low: Bundeswehr to Train Officers from Saudi Arabia Helmet Joachim Schmidt, Ramazan…

The Bastion Missile System: A Symbol of Power and Foreign Policy Tool

The Bastion Missile System: A Symbol of Power and Foreign Policy Tool Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor…

Italy says “No” to PM Matteo Renzi: Economic Stagnation, Mass Immigration, and Visegrad Group

Italy says “No” to PM Matteo Renzi: Economic Stagnation, Mass Immigration, and Visegrad Group Noriko Watanabe…

Russia and Iran should demand Turkey to leave Syria: Erdogan the Megalomaniac

Russia and Iran should demand Turkey to leave Syria: Erdogan the Megalomaniac Nuray Lydia Oglu, Michiyo…

Diverse Art by the Japanese Artist Shiba Kōkan (1747-1818): Dutch Art and European Studies

Diverse Art by the Japanese Artist Shiba Kōkan (1747-1818): Dutch Art and European Studies Lee Jay…

Derbyshire Landscapes by Japanese Artist: Bamford, Edale, Grindleford, and New Mills

Derbyshire Landscapes by Japanese Artist: Bamford, Edale, Grindleford, and New Mills Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

Paris Jihadist Manages to Grow More Radical in Prison

Paris Jihadist Manages to Grow More Radical in Prison by Abigail R. Esman Investigative Project on…

Turkey Seeks to Sanction the Rape of Children based on Marriage: AKP and Sunni Islamization

Turkey Seeks to Sanction the Rape of Children based on Marriage: AKP and Sunni Islamization Nuray…

PM Abe and the Immigration Card: European Wasteland and Internal Poverty Awaits

PM Abe and the Immigration Card: European Wasteland and Internal Poverty Awaits Michiyo Tanabe and Lee…

America and the Russian Federation seek to Reset Positive Relations under Donald Trump

America and the Russian Federation seek to Reset Positive Relations under Donald Trump Galina Zobova, Chika…

Elections in Bulgaria and Moldova witness Favorable Leaders Elected towards Russia

Elections in Bulgaria and Moldova witness Favorable Leaders Elected towards Russia Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay…

Germany’s Military Probes Growing Threat from ISIS Infiltration

Germany’s Military Probes Growing Threat from ISIS Infiltration by IPT News Investigative Project on Terrorism A…

Shinzo Abe of Japan Congratulates Donald Trump: Japan and Russian Federation Relations

Shinzo Abe of Japan Congratulates Donald Trump: Japan and Russian Federation Relations Sawako Uchida and Lee…

Is Sleeping Beauty Kaliningrad Oblast About to Wake Up?

Is Sleeping Beauty Kaliningrad Oblast About to Wake Up? Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor By: Jörgen Elfving…

Pacific Alliance and EFTA after Brexit for the United Kingdom

Pacific Alliance and EFTA after Brexit for the United Kingdom Sawako Uchida and Lee Jay Walker…

Austria Focuses on Visegrad Logic to Protect European Borders: EU and Turkey

Austria Focuses on Visegrad Logic to Protect European Borders: EU and Turkey Salma Zribi, Chika Mori,…

Germany Seeks to Silence Social Media: Immigration and the GDR Mirror

Germany Seeks to Silence Social Media: Immigration and the GDR Mirror Helmut Joachim Schmidt, Amina Qamar,…

Finland’s Rising Arms Exports Raise Controversy in Parliament

Finland’s Rising Arms Exports Raise Controversy in Parliament Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor By: John C. K.…

Swedish Holocaust Hero Formally Pronounced Dead: Diplomat Raoul Wallenberg

Swedish Holocaust Hero Formally Pronounced Dead: Diplomat Raoul Wallenberg Kanako Itamae and Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Breathing Art and Endless Passion by Paul Gauguin and L.S. Lowry

Breathing Art and Endless Passion by Paul Gauguin and L.S. Lowry Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

Lithuania Votes for Fresh Hope: Emigration is at Crisis Point

Lithuania Votes for Fresh Hope: Emigration is at Crisis Point Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker…

Turkey and Russia Work on Normalizing Relations, Sign Agreement on Scaled-Back Turkish Stream Pipeline

Turkey and Russia Work on Normalizing Relations, Sign Agreement on Scaled-Back Turkish Stream Pipeline Publication: Eurasia…

Europe’s Terror Challenges: The Returnee Threat

Europe’s Terror Challenges: The Returnee Threat by Abigail R. Esman Special to IPT News Investigative Project…

Iceland says the Return of the United Kingdom to EFTA would be welcomed after Brexit

Iceland says the Return of the United Kingdom to EFTA would be welcomed after Brexit Noriko…

Aert Van Der Neer and Japan Artist: Dutch Art, Christianity, and Changed Realities

Aert Van Der Neer and Japan Artist: Dutch Art, Christianity, and Changed Realities Lee Jay Walker…

Russian Federation and Tajikistan: Afghanistan Sums Up Obama’s Legacy

Russian Federation and Tajikistan: Afghanistan Sums Up Obama’s Legacy Ramazan Khalidov, Sawako Uchida, and Lee Jay…

Russia Deepens Middle East Military Footprint With Joint Exercises in Egypt

Russia Deepens Middle East Military Footprint With Joint Exercises in Egypt Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor By:…

Christian Survival in Syria Relies on President Assad: Ghosts of Cyprus, Kosovo, and Iraq

Christian Survival in Syria Relies on President Assad: Ghosts of Cyprus, Kosovo, and Iraq Murad Makhmudov,…

Belarus Suffers Economic Woes While Projecting Inner Tranquility

Belarus Suffers Economic Woes While Projecting Inner Tranquility Publication: Eurasia Daily By: Grigory Ioffe The Jamestown…

Funeral Massacre in Yemen by Saudi Arabia and Sunni Coalition: France, UK, and US Duplicity

Funeral Massacre in Yemen by Saudi Arabia and Sunni Coalition: France, UK, and US Duplicity Murad…

Art of Japan, Pythagoras, Plotinus, and Ideas of Utsumi: Kishida and Koide

Art of Japan, Pythagoras, Plotinus, and Ideas of Utsumi: Kishida and Koide Lee Jay Walker Modern…

UK Foreign Corporate Takeover and the Slippery Road of Corporate Japan

UK Foreign Corporate Takeover and the Slippery Road of Corporate Japan Takeshi Hasegawa and Lee Jay…

After a Delay, Russia Delivers New Types of Weapons to Armenia

After a Delay, Russia Delivers New Types of Weapons to Armenia Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor By:…

Russian Military Presence in Syria Increasing With Carrier Deploying to Eastern Mediterranean

Russian Military Presence in Syria Increasing With Carrier Deploying to Eastern Mediterranean Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor…