ADF Islamists kill many women in latest massacres: DRC

ADF Islamists kill many women in latest massacres: DRC Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Synagogue attack kills 7 in Israel

Synagogue attack kills 7 in Israel Kanako Mita and Sawako Utsumi Modern Tokyo Times Jewish worshippers…

ADF Islamists kill over 20 in DRC: Execute people and kidnap

ADF Islamists kill over 20 in DRC: Execute people and kidnap Hiroshi Saito and Lee Jay…

Burkina Faso tells France to pull its armed forces out

Burkina Faso tells France to pull its armed forces out Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker…

US airstrike kills 30 al-Shabaab fighters in Somalia

US airstrike kills 30 al-Shabaab fighters in Somalia Kanako Mita and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

Catholic priest burnt alive in Nigeria: Protestant churchgoers kidnapped

Catholic priest burnt alive in Nigeria: Protestant churchgoers kidnapped Kanako Mita and Lee Jay Walker Modern…

ADF Islamists kill Christians in DRC: Uganda and ADF clashes

ADF Islamists kill Christians in DRC: Uganda and ADF clashes Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker…

Islamists attack Kabul near Foreign Ministry

Islamists attack Kabul near Foreign Ministry Murad Makhmudov and Hiroshi Saito Modern Tokyo Times Kabul was…

Catholic priest murdered in Burkina Faso: Persecuted Christians

Catholic priest murdered in Burkina Faso: Persecuted Christians Noriko Watanabe and Chika Mori Modern Tokyo Times…

Islamists attack Kabul military airport in Afghanistan

Islamists attack Kabul military airport in Afghanistan Murad Makhmudov and Noriko Watanabe Modern Tokyo Times Islamists…

US airstrikes target al-Shabaab in Somalia

US airstrikes target al-Shabaab in Somalia Kanako Mita and Michiyo Tanabe Modern Tokyo Times The United…

Afghanistan religious school hit by terrorists: Students die

Afghanistan religious school hit by terrorists: Students die Noriko Watanabe and Kanako Mita Modern Tokyo Times…

Somalia hotel frequented by politicians attacked by al-Shabaab

Somalia hotel frequented by politicians attacked by al-Shabaab Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

Somalia kills 49 al-Shabaab Islamists

Somalia kills 49 al-Shabaab Islamists Noriko Watanabe and Kanako Mita Modern Tokyo Times The armed forces…

Syria needs protection from America, Israel, and Turkey: Blind EU

Syria needs protection from America, Israel, and Turkey: Blind EU Murad Makhmudov, Noriko Watanabe, and Lee…

Turkey bombs Iraq and Syria: NATO and Gulf killing machines (Yazidis to Yemen)

Turkey bombs Iraq and Syria: NATO and Gulf killing machines (Yazidis to Yemen) Kanako Mita, Nuray Lydia…

Kenya sends armed forces to support the DRC

Kenya sends armed forces to support the DRC Hiroshi Saito and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

Armed forces of Somalia and US airstrikes target al-Shabaab

Armed forces of Somalia and US airstrikes target al-Shabaab Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Cameroon in a new influx of Nigerians fleeing Islamists

Cameroon in a new influx of Nigerians fleeing Islamists Sawako Uchida and Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Islamists kill over 100 in Somalia

Islamists kill over 100 in Somalia Kanako Mita and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times Sunni…

Iran protests and Sunni Islamist terrorist attack

Iran protests and Sunni Islamist terrorist attack Kanako Mita and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times…

Somalia and 500,000 children face acute malnutrition: Islamists and war

Somalia and 500,000 children face acute malnutrition: Islamists and war Noriko Watanabe and Chika Mori Modern…

Burkina Faso in a new military coup (Libya NATO debacle)

Burkina Faso in a new military coup (Libya NATO debacle) Kanako Mita, Noriko Watanabe, and Lee…

Islamist terrorist attack hits Kabul in Shia area

Islamist terrorist attack hits Kabul in Shia area Noriko Watanabe and Hiroshi Saito Modern Tokyo Times…

Somalia kills over 100 al-Shabaab fighters

Somalia kills over 100 al-Shabaab fighters Hiroshi Saito and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The…

Mozambique beheadings by Islamists: Catholic nun killed

Mozambique beheadings by Islamists: Catholic nun killed Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times…

Al-Shabaab hotel attack in Somalia: Biden and US troops

Al-Shabaab hotel attack in Somalia: Biden and US troops Boutros Hussein, Kanako Mita, and Lee Jay…

Mosque attack in Kabul and legacy of intrigues (Western/Islamic)

Mosque attack in Kabul and legacy of intrigues (Western/Islamic) Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker Modern…

Burkina Faso hit by more terrorist attacks

Burkina Faso hit by more terrorist attacks Hiroshi Saito and Noriko Watanabe Modern Tokyo Times Several…

Ethiopia and Al-Shabaab clashes

Ethiopia and Al-Shabaab clashes Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times Ethnic tensions in…

Somalia hit by two terrorist attacks by al-Shabaab

Somalia hit by two terrorist attacks by al-Shabaab Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…

Al-Shabaab terrorist incursion in Ethiopia

Al-Shabaab terrorist incursion in Ethiopia Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times Al-Shabaab (Al-Shabab)…

Tourists killed by NATO Turkey strikes in Iraq: Yazidis suffer

Tourists killed by NATO Turkey strikes in Iraq: Yazidis suffer Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker…

DRC and many killed by Islamist ADF after health clinic set on fire

DRC and many killed by Islamist ADF after health clinic set on fire Murad Makhmudov and…

NATO set to expand to Scandinavia: Turkey and the Kurds

NATO set to expand to Scandinavia: Turkey and the Kurds Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee…

Nigeria and 2 Catholic priests killed: Biden’s indifference

Nigeria and 2 Catholic priests killed: Biden’s indifference Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo…